
tgh2 bosan..kesunyian..n ngantuk..terjmpa ape ek..ayat kot..xpn..kata2..hihi mcm best jg..bunyi ayt nih..ape pndpt korg??hurm..

I am a liar because I wont tell you everything

I am stupid because sometimes i am wrong

I am ugly because my face isn’t perfect

I am a pushover because I like making people happy

I am a loser because I’m a not friend with your group

I am fake because I’m too nice

I am weird because I’m not like you

I am fat because I eat when I’m hungry.

I am clingy because I don’t like to be alone

I am insecure because I care about what people think of me.

I am no fun because I'm not always hyper

Don’t try to tell me who I am


I already know.

kesimpulannya..xtau nk tulih ape dlm blog nih..tarak idea mau dtg..huhu..nite..adios~

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